JD's Midlife Tools For Living Practices, LLC

April Fools Once Again!

April certainly is fooling with us here in West Michigan. I don’t think the April showers that bring May flowers are supposed to be snow showers but that’s what is happening here this week. We seem to have had our April weather in February and are getting February weather now in April. I wonder what May will bring…

My poor crocuses were covered with a cold white blanket! And, I’ve worn my winter boots again too!

It’s getting harder for me to be patient for spring weather to get here and stay here. My bad case of cabin fever is getting worse. I am so eager to be outside digging in the dirt once again. Today that feels like it’s going take forever to happen. The world outside my window has been white once again.

Mother Nature does like to have her fun with us!

It would be better for me to share in the joy of her folly than dread yet another day trudging about in the snow and cold…so…the snow does brighten it up outside and it did stick to the trees limbs and bushes making for a pretty display.

Once again I have a choice where I focus my mind…wishing for something other than what is certainly doesn’t allow for a smile on my face or in my heart.

What joys can you experience in the “what is” in your life right now?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...